i sound like a bitchy gay robot

Friday 27 May 2011

Displace the ghost with god

I wonder where I am now:  Not stoic, or sensitive, or some whore to take every fucking strike across the face he can.  Now: some panoply of forgotten emotional crises aaaaand walls crumbling, night setting in around my eyes, but offering no comfort of disappearance as salvation.  Now, a hauntology with a resonance which lets the incoherence and void of dynamism and becoming linger into consciousness, as an absent presence, present and not present: tracings from the past which rupture (in haunting) the present to re-orient futural experience as a destructive return of the Same, a traumatic moto perpetuo, ever understanding present freedom as nothing more than a phantomic irruption producing projectural finitude because it is grounded in what was.  Causality as trauma?  An internal secret, not to be discovered because it is undiscoverable, unconcealable: uncovering, never presenting a naked truth but a Moebius strip hall of mirrors or, in short, spectrality.  Heidegger exorcised it with onto-theology: to acknowledge, at base, the 'Mystery', wherein we displace the ghost with god.

May I suggest a Sun Prince?

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